Monday, January 21, 2013

Letter from PASK

Just before Christmas,  I received this letter from PASK.  Ibu Esi had written it on October 28, 2012.  What follows is my translation of the letter.  I have done my best to be true to Ibu Esi's meaning and her words.  Below the translation you will find her original letter (Indonesian).   SYI has responded to this letter in the form of some relief and that relief is also outlined below. 

My Translation of Ibu Esi's Letter
Dear Christina, Chris, and Colby, 
Greetings to you in the form of this letter, until we meet again.  The orphanage children long to see you and your family. We are fixing a landslide in the well.  To pay for the repairs, we borrowed 2.000.000 rupiah.  The work started on October 22 , but is not yet finished (October 28).  Stones and cement to make it flat again.  (Note: These repairs are now complete!)

Our condition is urgent concerning food and money for school fees.   We have asked certain individuals for help with food.  There is no money from the social department of the government social. Their budget no longer exists.  We believe and hope that Ibu Christina and Pak Chris will see the children of PASK through this crisis.

We heard you are coming to Sumba? When do you come?
We wait for Ibu Christina, Pak Chris, Colby, and Colby's baby brother. Oh! Happy birthday to the  brother of Colby on October 26, 2012.

May the Lord grant his mercy with Ibu Christina's family and may they always have health.  The children of PASK and I are also healthy.  If you want to build a dorm in the Summer, I think the air is good (Note: Ibu Esi is referring to the weather).  We wait for a reply from Ibu about the plans.

We give ourselves to the Lord and his plans with Ibu Christina.  Thank you very much for all the aid for the PASK children.  May the Lord repay the kindness of Ibu. We pray for good Ibu quickly come to sumba. Thank you Ibu Christina.  You are always welcome.
Until we meet again.

The Children and Headmistress of PASK
Theresia Ela Malo (Ibu Esi)

Original Letter
Ibu Kris, Pak Kris dan Kolby yang terkasih,
Selamat berjumpa lagi di lembaran putih ini. Kerinduan anak-nak panti untuk bertemu dengan keluarga Ibu dan Bapak sangat besar.
Kami sedang memperbaiki sumur yang longsor itu. Untuk biaya perbaikan kami pinjam uang Rp. 2 juta lebih . Mulai tanggal 22 Oktober hingga hari ini (28 Oktober) sumur belum selesai. Batu-batu dan tanah longsor telah ditutupi dengan semen dan batu gunung sehingga sudah rata.
Kondisi kami yang mendesak adalah makanan dan uang sekolah anak-anak yang SMP dan SMA. Selama ini kami hanya minta pihak-pihak tertentu untuk mendapatkan bahan makanan. Anggaran dari Pemerintah/Dinas Sosial belum ada.
Kami yakin dan percaya  Ibu Kris dan Pak Kris bisa melihat anak-anak panti yang sedang krisis ini. Kami dengar Ibu akan ke Sumba? Kapan Ibu datang? Kami menantikan Ibu Kris, Kolby dan adiknya Kolby. Oh.. selamat ulang tahun untuk adiknya Kolby tanggal 26 Oktober 2012. Semoga Tuhan memberikan rahmat-Nya pada keluarga Ibu Kris dan semoga sehat selalu.
Anak-anak panti juga sehat bersama kami pengasuhnya. Jika Ibu ingin membangun gedung dalam musim kemarau saya kira lebih baik udaranya lebh bagus. Jadi kami menunggu jawaban dari Ibu untuk semua rencana.
Kami pasrahkan diri kepada Tuhan dan kepada Ibu Kris. Terima kasih banyak atas semua bantuan untuk anak-anak panti semoga Tuhan membalas kebaikan Ibu. Kami doakan semoga Ibu cepat datang ke Sumba. Terima kasih dan selamat datang Ibu Kris. Sampai kita berjumla lagi.

Hormat kami
Anak-anak dan pengasuh Panti Asuhan Sinar kasih

Theresia Ela Malo-Ibu Esi

SYI's Response
SYI was able to send $1000 in December to PASK.  I wrote a brief note to Ibu Esi asking her to repay the debt for fixing the well, and urging her to use the money to purchase livestock - future food planning!!!  She compiled with my request.  She repaid the debt for fixing the well.  Purchased staples (rice, potatoes, etc.) that they so desperately needed, and used the remainder to purchase a breeding pair of pigs!

The upcoming Easter Egg fundraiser is designated for food.  Last year we sold over 350 eggs and made more than $1200 in profit.  This year we want to double that amount.  We are looking for people to help sell eggs and, of course, anyone who wants to purchase an egg or 10.  This year we are offering four filling choices: chocolate cream, coconut cream, maple nut cream, or peanut butter.  All eggs are $5 a piece.

To further address PASK's need for a sustainable way to provide food, we are considering adding plans for animal accessory buildings to Operation Dorm.  These plans will include alterations to existing structures as well as construction of small shelters for livestock such as chickens and rabbits.  These plans will first be reviewed by PASK before officially being added.  It is our intention that these additions will not add significantly to the cost of Operation Dorm (~$1000 addition), but will provide a much needed means of being more self-sufficient.

We need volunteers!  If you or someone you know would like to help SYI, we would love to have you.    Please email me today, and we can discuss the numerous ways you could help make a difference in the lives of the children at PASK.


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