Operation Dorm

Objective: Fund and construct a ~20' X 30' building to house the boys living at  Panti Asuhan Sinar Kasih, Sumba, Indonesia 

Estimated Cost: $12,500

Funding Target: $16,000
Note amount is an overestimate to ensure a sufficient funding source for building completion. Leftover funds will be used to purchase furniture and make other small at Panti Asuhan (i.e paint, gutters, etc.).  Any additional items will be listed on the blog for donor review prior to purchasing. 

Construction of the Dormitory:
1.    Hire 1 supervisor to oversee construction
2.   Purchase building materials
3.  Hire a crew to build the dorm
4.  Begin construction (Hopefully, before the rainy season in November.  If we reach our goal slower than anticipated, we will hold off construction until early Spring 2013.)

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