Monday, January 10, 2011

Water Test: Agus Mole

Agus Mole, the resident water guy in Waitabula, performed “The Test” today to check for water and the best location to dig at the orphanage, and to estimate the approximate depth.  He did this with a divining rod. 

 (I am not sure why he left his motorbike helmet on!)

I know there is much controversy as to whether or not divining water is possible.  The scientist in me squirmed the entire time since I am unaware of any reliable data indicating that water diviners are any better than pure chance.  In Sumba, however, tradition must be adhered to.  No respectable construction crew will begin digging a well until a “test” has been performed.    

My estimate and budget are based on existing wells near Panti Asuhan.  Wells at the top of the hill are close to 40M deep.  Wells further down the hill only go about 25M.  Given the elevation of the orphanage, the depth of the water table is most likely in the 20M-25M range.  I calculated the budget with a digging depth of 40M to ensure ample funds for well completion.  Regardless of my research, certain customs and traditions must be followed here.   

Mr. Mole met me at the orphanage 3 days ago to determine the best spot for the well and estimate the approximate depth of the well.  Mr. Mole and his divining rod (and at one point two green tree limbs) determined that a spot near the cooking area would be the best spot, and he estimates that we will only need to dig approximately 17M to reach water.  He recommends digging an extra 3M to ensure a large reservoir of water.  This estimate is in the ballpark of the depth my research indicates.  If Mr. Mole’s estimation is correct, SYI will have money leftover to make some much need repairs at the orphanage.  Including, some safety repairs to their “playground” as well as repairing the gutters around the house.

First, water!  SO..... when are we going to break ground?  If you take a look at the sidebar....Go ahead and check out the sidebar, I’ll wait......

See!  Isn’t it great??  SYI received a flood of donations this weekend.  

Now that we have more than $1500, I feel comfortable beginning well construction.  The digging starts this week!!!   I will post pictures of the progress as often as possible!.

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