Sunday, October 21, 2012

A story from Jois

Some friends of SYI's and the orphanage in Sumba have been interviewing the children living at PASK about their day-to-day lives and their dreams.  I hope to share at least one with you each month.  

This is the story of Jois.   I met Jois in the summer of 2010.  She is one of the PASK children that led me to start SYI.  Her name is appropriate.  She is full of more Joy than I thought possible in such a tiny little body.  I took this photo of Jois one afternoon 2 years ago, while she was playing in our yard.  She loved posing with Colby's sunglasses!

Martha Hebi, a wonderful volunteer at PASK, has written up the Indonesian version of Jois' story.  Below you will find my translation of her story.  I attempted to stay true to their words.  

“Saya Ingin Jadi Perawat”
“Saya ingin jadi perawat, biar bisa merawat orang”, ujar Yosefina Malo. Jois, nama panggilannya sudah tinggal di Panti Asuhan Sinar Kasih sejak berumur 2 tahun. Saat ini Jois bersekolah di SD Mata kelas 5. Dia adalah anak keempat dari 5 bersaudara. Mamanya sudah meninggal dunia.
Di Panti Asuhan, Jois memiliki aktivitas rutin. Bangun pagi jam 05:00, Jois mengatur tempat tidur, menyapu rumah. Bersama teman-temannya, Jois berdoa pagi. Setelah berdoa bersama, Jois bersama teman-teman pergi ke mata air. “Sebenarnya kami punya sumur, tetapi sumur longsor jadi untuk sementara, kami timba air di mata air,” kata Jois yang lahir pada 1 Desember 2000. Jois menuturkan, sekembalinya dari mata air, mereka sarapan bersama lalu bersiap-siap ke sekolah.
Jam 12:00 atau 12:30 sekembali dari sekolah, Jois makan siang lalu mencucui piring. Kemudian tidur siang selama 1 jam.  Jois yang senang sekali menyanyi dan menari, selalu riang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah bersama teman-temannya. Bersama teman-temannya, pernah menyanyi dalam acara gereja, Pesta Paroki. Di sore hari, Jois membantu menyapu rumah dan timba air. Jam 17:00 Jois belajar bersama.
 Di Panti, Jois juga membantu masak. Karena cita-citanya ingin jadi perawat, Jois sangat peduli jika ada temannya yang sakit atau sedih. “Saya juga suka urut mama dan papa kalau mereka cape”, cerita Jois dengan mata berbinar-binar. (Martha Hebi, Volunteer Panti Asuhan Sinar Kasih)

"I want to be a nurse."
“I want to be a nurse, so I can treat people,” says yosefina malo.  Her nickname at Panti Asuhan Sinar Kasih is Jois (pronounced Joyce.) She was born on December 1, 2000.  She has been living at PASK since she was only 2 years old.  Currently, Jois attends elementary school and is in what we consider the fifth grade.  She is the fourth of five siblings, but her mother is no longer living.
At PASK, Jois has a very active routine.  She rises each morning at 5am,   Her morning chores are to make her bed and sweep the house.  She then says her prayers with her friends.   Before the well was complete at PASK, Jois and her friends would then walk to the springs to draw water.  Once they have collected water (now from the well), she eats breakfast and get ready for school.  At 12:30, she returns from school to eat lunch.  After washing the plates, Jois takes a nap for 1 hour.  In the afternoon, Jois helps sweep the house and draws water.  At 5pm,  Jois studies together with her friends.  Sometimes in the evening, Jois also helps to cook dinner.
Jois delights in singing and dancing, and studying with her friends.  Sometimes Jois and her friends sing at church.  Jois is passionate about becoming a nurse and cares very deeply if her friends or neighbors are in pain or sorrow. “I would also love to have a mommy and daddy if they can,” says Jois with the dreamy eyes.

Jois poses with a drawing she made of PASK. (~Aug 2012)